Kiss Kiss Blam Blam launches tomorrow!

A sweet, whimsical and wild take on modern romance as seen through the eyes of its female protagonist!

Writer(s): Andre Mateus
Artist Name(s): Rahil Mohsin (Pencils/Inks/Colors/Letters)
Cover Artist(s): Rahil Mohsin
Editor: Nicole D’Andria
T pgs./ 28 / FC
$2.99 (Digital Only)
Pre-Order on comiXology

Launching digitally first on December 18, 2020 under the Action Lab Entertainment banner, KISS KISS BLAM BLAM follows the funny mishaps of Jill, a very successful and very busy business woman in her thirties, as she navigates the crazy world of speed dating. After meeting her share of not-so-great guys and about ready to call it a night, she finally finds a sweet and charming man sitting right in front of her. The catch? He’s a hitman! Think Mr. Right meets Grosse Pointe Blank with the delightful quirkiness of Man Seeking Woman!

KISS KISS BLAM BLAMhas guaranteed laughs, pop culture references and even a zombie cameo! How can you pass on that? Creator/writer Andre Mateus wants readers to get “A couple of good laughs and, hopefully, a big smile at the end.”

Andre goes on to talk about love: “You can’t bottle love. You can’t reduce it to an algorithm. You can’t rationalize it or reason with it. It’s either there or it isn’t. And when it is, it’s the most daunting, absolutely maddening feeling we ever experience. And we should strive to always keep it that way. As Spike says in Season 3 of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, ‘Love isn’t brains, children, it’s blood… blood screaming inside you to work its will. I may be love’s bitch, but at least I’m man enough to admit it.’ We’re all love’s bitches.”

Pre-order this love story with a twist on comiXology right now and read it digitally first on December 18, 2020.

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