NCBD- Look what’s available from Mad Cave Studios!

Today, she must paint the town red to finish her masterpiece…

Press Release (from Mad Cave Studios)…

Today at your local comic shop, the debut of RV9 and the close of Battlecats Volume Two: Fallen Legacy!

Former assassin, Velveteen, is on the run from the Order of the 9, the organization that took her from her family and forced her into a life where all she knows is secrecy, violence, and death. Now, after years of running, she is bringing the fight to them.

RV9 is a classic thriller that re-imagines Italy as a future underbelly of crime syndicates and secret orders. The story of Velveteen and her quest for revenge has been Mad Cave’s biggest debut to date at your local comic shops.

We’re also closing Vol 2 of our medieval feline epic, Battlecats! After this nothing will be the same. If you’re caught up on the events of issue #5, the defenders of Valderia must regroup and fight for the future of their Kingdom!

Valderia is left reeling after the coupe and tragedy of Rorinhal. Now, with the odds stacked against them, the Battlecats must fight for their lives against Valadar, the Darkats, and an army of Umbra raiders. What will happen to the felines of Valderia? Will Valadar succeed in implementing a never-ending Rorinclaw? Find out in the last issue of Battlecats Volume 2!

If you’re looking for more of our titles, head to your local comic shop or order through Amazon or our online Mad Cave store, also available digitally on Comixology!

Mad Comics. Mad Variety. Mad Fun.

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