- Ogres
- Source Point Press
- Written by Bob Salley
- Art by Shawn Daley
- In Shops November 27, 2019

After a band of marauders called the Taesh’aar destroy their village, a group of young ogres hire an exiled dwarf to help track down these creatures and avenge their kind. The bickering crew is not alone as the dwarf has a prisoner of his own and a horde of savages hunting him down. Bob Salley and Shawn Daley bring us back into their fantasy world and show us the human condition in the harshness of decaying times for all mystical creatures.
Walk into ANY comic shop and give them the Order Code: SEP191977 to add OGRES #1 to your pull-list and make sure they subscribe you to the 4 Issue mini-series…
So you haven’t read Ogre yet…?
Not to worry… OGRES is NOT a sequel and they can be read in any order. But if you fancy picking up the Trade Paperback OGRE… Enter Here SOURCE POINT PRESS ONLINE