Pullbox Previews: Buffy & Angel – Stare too long into the Hellmouth, and you get a crossover event…

  • Buffy the Vampire Slayer #8
    BOOM! Studios|
    Writer: Jordie Bellaire
    Artist: David López
    Colorist: Raúl Angulo
    Letterer: Ed Dukeshire
    Cover Artists:  
        Main Cover: Marc Aspinall
        Spotlight Cover: Kevin Wada
        Connecting Cover: Kelly and Nichole Matthews
        Preorder Cover: Becca Carey
        Incentive Cover:  Daniele Di Nicuol
         Unlocked Vampire Cover: Kaiti Infante
         Unlocked Human Cover: Kaiti Infante
    Price: $3.99
    Synopsis: The Hellmouth is about to break open and unleash all kinds of nightmares onto Sunnydale. And Buffy, no matter how hard she tries, is not ready for it. 

First up, Buffy’s 8th issue is this series really hitting its stride. Boom! Studios is killing it with their soft “reboots” of the Whedonverse, and I couldn’t be happier with it.

With Buffy’s latest, it looks like the writing has found their characters… Not a small deal with a property that boasts the fan following of the series. It isn’t a full reboot, just a retelling of life in Sunnydale, California that brings this world and it’s populace into the modern age. Some of the characters are rearranged a bit, but everyone is present and accounted for.

Also, with the Hellmouth Prelude, we’re getting ready for the inevitable Buffy/Angel crossover…

On to a quick look at Angel #4…

Angel #4
BOOM! Studios
Writer: Bryan Edward Hill
Artist: Gleb Melnikov
Colorist: Roman Titov
Letterer:Ed Dukeshire
Cover Artists:  
     Main Cover:
Dan Panosian
     Preorder Cover: Scott Buoncristiano
     Incentive Cover (1:20): Will Sliney
     One Per Store Variant: Gabriel Hernandez Walta
Price: $3.99
Synopsis: This is it—the stunning conclusion to the first story arc reimagining the iconic vampire-with-a-soul.

Angel must decide which path to follow on his quest to earn redemption and to free himself from this vampire curse—and all roads lead to Sunnydale.

Bryan Edward Hill (Detective Comics, Killmonger), Gleb Melnikov and series creator Joss Whedon (Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Marvel’s The Avengers) will blow you away with a shocking final page reveal that no Buffy or Angel fan can miss!

No slow start for this series, but I’ve come to look at Bryan Edward Hill as a no-questions-asked kind of writer. I’ll pick up just about anything he puts his pen to. Yes, if I found out that he was putting together a new Encyclopedia Britannica, I’d give it some serious thought.

Angel’s deep into a case involving a demon using social media as its way to the souls of Sunnydale’s teens. And of course, with the Hellmouth event coming up quick, this one’s going to leave readers with a reveal to salivate over.

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