- Red Hyena #0 (Free Comicbook Day Edition)
- Amazing Action Comics
- Written by Justin Bartz
- Art & Lettering by Julienne Durber
The Red Hyena is anything but a hero. Out to get what she wants, when she wants it, the Red Hyena is jumping off the pages of Project Shadow Breed into her own mini-series. This six page introduction is a great start for anyone jumping into the Project Shadow Breed universe.
Out of the pages of Project Shadow Breed, reviews here, comes the Mistress of Spycraft and Espionage… the infamous (cuz she’s just too cool to be plain old famous) Red Hyena! You can check out either- or both- at the links provided for all of the high tech hijinks and lycanthropic badassery you can handle.
Just to sweeten the deal, here’s a few preview pages… Take a look, and support indie comics by giving the books a try.

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