Amigo Comics Solicitations – April ’19

Amigo Comics is proud to present books from the evil mind of El Torres, Massimo Rosi and Colleen Douglas, with our friends at SallyBooks and some of the best artists around! 

Horror, Sci-fi, Fantasy… Want to know more? 

The acclaimed horror miniseries Straitjacket continues!The Blackening reaches its finale.Time to take a NASTY PILL as well as indie creator Massacre shows you how to mix revenge with drugs!

The Straitjacket series has been optioned for a TV Series… Soon more news about this!

Amigo Comics’ imprint -Sallybooks- is intended for children and young teens.

Amigo Comics! Look for us in Diamond Previews!

Amigo Comics! We’ve even got corner boxes on the cover!

And remember: PRE-ORDER!! Preferably via your friendly neighborhood comic book dealer!

PS Previews off all below titles can be found on our website.
Straitjacket vol 2 #2 (of 4)
Writer: El Torres
Art: JuanFra MB
28 pages, $3.99.Maybe Alex Wagner escaped from the high-security prison, but now she’s trapped in the Otherside! His brother is now in command of her body, wandering in a world strange to him. An easy prey for one brainwashing cult… commanded by someone who can see that Alex is a body with two souls.The acclaimed horror miniseries Straitjacket continues! A trip to the dark side of the mind and reality, lead by the Wagner brothers. One is dead, the other is insane… or perhaps too sane. The Straitjacket series has been optioned for a TVSeries… Soon more news about this!
God of Bad Men #3 (of 4)

Writer: Colleen Douglas
Art: Chris Zero
Letters:Ferran Delgado
Cover: Chris Zero

28 pages, $3.99

In the vortex of chaos, Nomac reveals that earth is contaminated and slated for deconstruction, forcing Ray to choose between his life or the world’s, but Ray is finding the prospect daunting when he uncovers Nomac’s identity as the quintessential God of Bad Men, the DEVIL himself.

Colleen Douglas (Women in Comics) explores the truth behind the Fallen Angel mixed with an epic, plenty of action, Sci-Fi story!
The Blackening #6 (of 6) FINALE

Writer: Massimo Rosi
Art: Antonello Consentino & Samuele Coletti
Color: Antonello Consentino & Renato Stevanato

28 pages FC
32 pages, $3.99

Tony’s soul is more like a shadow inside a dead, cold, metal body. He puts everything on the line watching inside the suburban cyber hell, ready to sacrifice everything at this point, but he sadly discovers how much he still has to lose if he doesn’t preserve the only light in that terrible dark world: his daughter.

NASTY PILLS #1 (of 2)Author(s): Massacre
Artist(s): Massacre & Dani Seijas
Cover Artist(s): Massacre
Intended Audience: Mature Readers
Genre Pulp, Violence
Format Magazine, FC, 48 pages
Retail Price: $4,99

She’s on a wild rampage after her lover’s death. Driven by drugs and thirst of revenge, May Campbell has a plan and won’t let anyone stop her… But what does she want? What does she seek? Justice, revenge, or a painful and confusing mix of the two? Nasty Pills is the new action thriller by indie creator Massacre!
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