Pullbox Previews: Barbarella #11

Barbarella #11

writer: Mike Carey |  artist: Kenan Yarar

covers: Eric Powell (A), Ryan Browne (B), Kyle Strahm (C),

              Ediano Silva (D), Kenan Yarar (E-Sub)

              Eric Powell (RI-Virgin), Kyle Strahm (RI-B/W)

              Ryan Browne (RI-Virgin)

FC  |  32 pages  |  $3.99  |   Teen+ 

In the red corner: a titanic space armada with the last word in planet-busting weaponry. And facing them: the Esseverine, a peaceful people with no technology or tools at all. Nothing. Not even a pointy stick. But they do have Barbarella. Place your bets!

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