Pullbox Previews: Shadowman #3 – Every Sin Casts a Shadow….

SHADOWMAN (2018) #3
Written by ANDY DIGGLE
Cover A by TONCI ZONJIC (MAR181998)
Cover B by RENATO GUEDES (MAR181999)
Interlocking Variant by JUAN JOSÉ RYP (MAR182000)
Shadowman Icon Variant by GREG SMALLWOOD (MAR182001)
Pre-Order Edition by RAÚL ALLÉN (JAN182006)

Every sin casts a shadow…

After years of purgatorial exile, Jack Boniface – the newly returned Shadowman – is back in the one place he thought he’d left behind for good: the damned dimension known as Deadside! His mission? To recover a lost relic of the Shadowman legacy that could redefine the eternal balance of power between the living and the dead. If he fails, the vengeful voodoo god called Baron Samedi will exact a terrible toll on the souls of humanity… But – back among the monsters, back among the cursed – can Jack stand resolutely against evil incarnate without succumbing to the call of the literal demons within himself?

Superstar writer Andy Diggle (Green Arrow: Year One) and high-octane artist Stephen Segovia (Action Comics) present a long-awaited moment in the epic saga of a comics icon and bring Shadowman raging back to the forefront of the Valiant Universe as the “FEAR OF THE DARK” story arc unleashes a finale of unthinkable cosmic proportions!

$3.99 | 32 pgs. | T+ | On Sale MAY 23rd

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