Pullbox Previews: The War For Kaleb – Collected series edition now on Kickstarter

The War for Kaleb (graphic novel)
By Jason Pittman
Leftovers LTD
Collected Edition now on Kickstarter

The War for Kaleb is a story of one man’s struggle through a crippling anxiety disorder.

Kaleb has been battling an anxiety disorder for quite some time. After meeting a woman who he falls in love with, he begins to question the validity of his relationship due to the fact that he is medicated. Watching over Kaleb is a silent hero, who keeps his well being in check. After a drastic decision is made, Kaleb finds himself confronted by a dark character waiting for the chance to consume him.

A while back, I had a creative fella named Jason Pittman contact me about taking a gander at his self-published comic, The War for Kaleb. The gist of the story is that Kaleb is a very average young man who has had problems with anxiety disorder for years. Lately, things have been going great. He’s even got the best girlfriend a guy could ever hope for… which raises some doubts. Kaleb wonders if maybe she’s not really in love with him, the real him, the him with the anxiety disorder. He’s even starting to doubt his own feelings for Addey, pondering the possibility that the anxiety meds he’s been taking have disconnected him from his feelings, confusing the truth behind his emotions.

You can read my review of the full story here. If you think it sounds interesting (cuz it is), you can check out the perk-a-palooza that is Pittman’s Kickstarter for the full collected edition here.

And now, look at the pretty pictures…

The original series covers

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