Pullbox Previews: Idle Thuggery

Idle Thuggery
Super Serious Comics
Created & Written by Morgan Quaid
Art & Colors by Rain Art Studios & Moises May
Textures & Lettering by Morgan Quaid
Soundtrack by Luke Gartner-Brereton

(From the website…)

I love stories that approach well-worn narratives from a different angle. That’s the central idea behind Idle Thuggery; looking at the world of superheroes and arch-villains through the eyes of an up-and-coming henchmen, rather than your typical superhero origin story. It’s a chance to look at the gritty, grimy and often frustrating reality of life as a hired henchman for a super-villain.

In the universe of Idle Thuggery, Super-villains aren’t always “evil” and heroes aren’t always “good”. Just because you’re a superhero with bullet-proof skin, doesn’t mean that you won’t get cancer, or that the press won’t rake you over the coals for racially insensitivity remarks. You might be an arch-villain, but you’re multinational conglomerate also provides medicine to refugees in war-torn countries and your bio-tech research has substantially reduced the prevalence of childhood disease in many parts of the world. Heroes can be bastards and villains can be prone to random acts of kindness.

Idle Thuggery is an attempt to pull back the curtain and take a look at what goes on behind the scenes of a typical arch-villain enterprise; to see the bags under the superhero’s eyes and walk a day in the life of those unsung (and frequently death-prone) members of villainy; the henchmen.

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