Pullbox Previews: Infinite Seven Vol 2

The World’s Greatest Assassins Return!

Writer(s): Dave Dwonch
Artist Name(s): Arturo Mesa (Pencils), Geraldo Filho (Colors)
Cover Artist(s): Arturo Mesa (Pencils), Geraldo Filho (Colors)
128 pgs./ T+ / FC

A great jumping on point for new readers, INFINITE SEVEN is an action/espionage comic book about a group of the world’s greatest assassins. To become part of the team, you must prove your worthiness by killing one of their members.

In the first volume, a teenage boy from the suburbs manages the impossible and becomes the newest member of the Infinite Seven: Anthony “Smash Brannagan” Zane. In this volume, the team meets the mysterious Cyborg and faces off against the terrorist group Chimera in an all-out war!

If you’re a fan of 80s cartoons like the X-Men, Alan Moore’s League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, and action movies like the James Bond films, you’ll LOVE the adventures in INFINITE SEVEN VOLUME 2.  

Creator and writer Dave Dwonch (DOUBLE JUMPERS, CYRUS PERKINS AND THE HAUNTED TAXI CAB) comments, “With volume one we focused on establishing the world and Anthony’s status quo in it… and we all know how that ended up. With this volume we really push the envelope on story and have come up with even more unpredictable twists. If you’re tired of reading the same old same old, get on this rollercoaster.”

INFINITE SEVEN VOLUME 2 will be available in a comic book store near you on November 29, 2017. Preorder the book using Diamond item code SEP171064.

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