Cool Comic Covers to Consider (Aug Previews for Oct Release)

By Chris Keefe

This month I tried to be a little more picky to keep things a little shorter, but it wasn’t easy with so many good covers out there, and I’m not going to say, “No,” to something exceptional.  So, jumping right in…

BPRD: The Devil You Know
(Dark Horse)
Duncan Fegredo
Duncan Fegredo is on of my favorite artists out there.  His interiors the last couple of years, especially on Hellboy, is some of the best stuff I’d seen in 12 years running the comic book store.  Maybe ever. This cover just demonstrates his mastery of so many things, the details, foreshortening, spotting the blacks, and his tones are just off the charts on this cover.
#DarkHorsecomics , #BPRD #Duncanfegredo @duncanfegredo
(DC Comics)
Ryan Sook
Ryan Sook, so I just say
the name and you should
know it’s great cover.  All his Deathstroke covers have been great, but #24 stands out for me because of the contrast between Flash’s flashy, colorful costume and
Deathstroke’s black and white.  Very striking, and executed in Sook’s usual preeminent manner.
#DCComics #Deathstroke
DC Comics
Guillem March
The dynamism and boldness of this cover just jump off the page.  The command of the hands, the focus of the pictures and the little hints of Bernie Wrightson inking, make this a cover to note.
@guillemmarch @DCComics
#Ragman #Guillemmarch
DC  Comics
Carlos D’Anda
While a little busy, I love the colors and the spot on anatomy. I like the sense of danger I get from the facial expressions. Overall great design.
#Carlosdanda @cdeeanda
Vertigo Comics
John Paul Leon
I was determined not to include a John Paul Leon this month, but come on.  No one does as much visually with so few strokes.  I mean look at the tire tracks for gosh sakes, they are just squiggly lines, but they are perfect.  The weight of the snow, which isn’t even rendered, but suggested.  Annoyingly excellent.
@vertigo_comics @johnpaulleon
#savagethings #johnpaulleon
Babs Tarr
Motor Crush #7 by Babs Tarr is worth noting because stylistically it is so far from her super slick, clean look on Batgirl.  It is a bold, in-your-face, cover dripping with attitude. Sometimes it’s just nice to
see an artist cut loose.
@imagecomics @babsdraws
#motorcrush #babstarr
Rocket Girl #10
Amy Reeder
I don’t even know what to make of this cover.  When I look at all the different elements I think it shouldn’t really work, But there is just something about the design, maybe the risk of the design, that just keeps me looking at it.  The swooping motion anchoring it all is really quite lovely.
#rocketgirl #amyreeder #image
@amyreeder @imagecomics
Mike Mayhew
From shiney trashcan robot
last month to furry rodent this month, Mayhew (not that he needs to) proves he is the complete package and a master.  Criminy, just look at it. The lighting is impeccable, absolutely stunning to the point of unbelieveable.  And
none of it overpowers the
pathos of Rocket’s sad, little face.  Aww, little buddy.  This is my cover of the month.
#rocketracoon #marvel
#mikemayhew @marvel
Paulina Ganucheau
Anyone who messes with convention as much as Paulina Ganucheau does on this cover deserves a note.  I get the character is a bit more prone to this kind of cover, but what a brilliant break of the 4th wall, the sense of dimension and bright colors are awesome, and Paste Pot Pete got what was coming him.
@plinaganucheau #gwenpool
Black Mask Studios
Tyler Boss
Really a pretty distinct design.  I like the slightly unusual color scheme.  Everything is very clear and well rendered.
#tylerboss @boycartoonist
Avatar Press
Also worth noting in a
coverless sort of way, Avatar
Press is having an overstock
sale, and it is a great
opportunity to grab some excellent books at low prices.  Pretty much any of their titles from the last couple of years are available for $5.99 a trade through your local dealer.  I would recommend FREAK ANGELS, BLACK SUMMER, and GRAVEL by Warren Ellis, but George R.R. Martin’s FEVRE DREAM, Garth Ennis’ 303, STREETS OF GLORY , Warren Ellis’ BLACK GAS, DOKTOR SLEEPLESS, IGNITION CITY, ANNA MERCURY, CAPTAIN SWING and Si Spurrier’s DISENCHANTED are also good.  If you’re look something a little different and off beat now is your chance to cash in!
#avatarpress #warrenellis
#garthennis @avatarpress
#freakangels #blacksummer
Boom Studios
Yeah the cover’s nice, that’s because mostly whatever Hub draws is nice.  If you haven’t had the pleasure of reading OKKO yet you should.  Gorgeous art & colors, great, mysterious stories simmered in the supernatural, well developed characters that drive the action.  This really is a cut above the rest.  And Bonus, the never before release volume 5 is included! Totally worth your money in every way.  (Note: release Date is December.  Oh my gosh, just in time for Christmas…)
#okko #hub #boomstudios
Boom Studios
Ben Caldwell
Well, there are a lot of covers for this book this month, but the one that really stands out is Ben Caldwell’s.  Again what stands out here is that he’s upped his game from his usual cartoony style.  Yes, the style is still cartoony, but his use of colors, which are terrific, give it a whole new polish, life.  His line and proportions are much more sophisticated. Looking back, his cover for issue #5 is really good too.
@bencaldwellart #redsonja
#boomstudios #bencaldwell
Devil’s Due
Ashley Witter
Appropriately Devil’s Due brings us an updated second printing of Ashley Witter’s SCORCH, the tale of a demon living in the world as a young teen in suburban America.I believe this was first a web comic.  Ashley Witter is wildly talented and the art in this book blew me away when I first saw it a couple of years ago.  She is talented enough to flip from
cartoony to super realistic like in another project of hers #SQUARRIORS.
@ashleymwitter  @devilsdue #Scorch
#ashleywitter #Devilsdue
Stranger Comics
Hyoung Taek Nam
Certainly well drawn with great, uncluttered detail, but what is
most striking is the character’s expression.  It just draws you in and catches your breath a bit.
@rednight81 #Noibi
Chapter House
Djibril Morisette
Well drawn, negative space cover.  Very clear, very captivating.  Hints at the story within.
#fantomah @djibrilMP #chapterhouse
Peter Milligan
Just a note, Kid Lobotomy looks pretty cool this month from IDW.Peter Milligan is awesome
in surreally way maybe even a
bit psychedelic, but makes all
his stories work is unpredictability.  He seems never to be satisfied with an easy out and favors
complicated ideas over tropes. Who knows what he’ll do in the unfettered environment at
IDW.  As a primer both “Minx” (1998) & “Girl” (1996) from
Vertigo are two of my favorite
mini-series.  His work on
“X-Statix” for Marvel was way
out of the bounds of
a normal super hero book and enjoyable because of it.
Another off the beaten path
title you might like was his “Greek Street” for Vertigo in 2009.
#kidlobotomy #petermilligan
#IDW @1petermilligan @idwpublishing
Abstract Studios
Terry Moore
Yeah, you’re right, while good the cover is not so spectacular.  So why include it?I include it because Motor Girl has been an absolute pleasant surprise since it came out,And it’s a gift that keeps on giving.  If you haven’t picked it up yet, now is your chance.It is just a totally enjoyable romp, peppered with sincere moments of poignancy.  It is a great character driven story, with great art, and characters to care about.
#Motorgirl #terrymoore
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Updated: August 16, 2017 — 6:17 pm

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