Amigo Comics Solicitations Oct ’17


Author(s): Jennifer Van Gessel & El Torres
Artist(s): Nacho Tenorio & Sergio Mora
Cover Artist(s): JuanFra MBIntended Audience: Mature
Genre Action/Thriller
Format Trade paperback, FC, 116 pages
Retail Price: $19,99
Ship Date/Month: Oct 2017
ISBN: 9788416486731-51999The acclaimed miniseries in one volume! Emmie’s life changed forever when she was assaulted. She’s determined to find her attacker and has formed a team with the most unlikely partner you could imagine: THE RAPE MACHINE.Together they lay down their own brand of twisted justice upon sexual predators.

The adventures of Apocalypse Girl continue: a teenager with regular teen-issues as well as blood-thirsty demons and an undead mother!

We also thought it would be a good time to re-solicit Alan Dracon #4 and collect the acclaimed UNLEASH miniseries, which reprints the critically acclaimed horror miniseries written by prestigious Haxtur & ExpoComic award-winning El Torres and screenwriter, producer, writer Jennifer Van Gessel (Beast No More, Nancy In Hell).

Amigo Comics! Look for us in Diamond Previews!

Amigo Comics! We’ve even got corner boxes on the cover!

And remember: PRE-ORDER!! Preferably via your friendly neighborhood comic book dealer!


Author(s): El Torres
Artist(s): Ramiro Borrallo
Cover Artist(s): Ramiro Borrallo

Intended Audience: Teen
Genre Horror, Fantasy
Format Comic book, FC, 32 pages
Retail Price: $3,99
Ship Date/Month: Oct 2017
UPC Code: 732030830837—00211

The End of the World has an upside: there’s no school. But, how do you spend the time? Metis does what every teenage girl does:  listen her music, fighting with mom, worrying about the sexy, mysterious Silent Angel, worrying about the young survivor John and his brother Frank… and of course, surviving the demons at her door.

Our resolicit:
ALAN DRACON #4 (of 6)

Author(s): Stefano Martino
Artist(s): Stefano Martino
Cover Artist(s): Stefano Martino

Intended Audience: Teen
Genre Science Fiction / Superhero
Format Comic book, BW, 32 pages
Retail Price: $3,99
Ship Date/Month: Oct 2016 (RESOLICITATION)
UPC Code: 708022654125—00411

There is no rest for a bodyguard in the near future! Alan Dracon has proven himself a threat for the Yakuza. And the Japanese mafia has an unique way to get rid of problems: Killer Kanoo is out for Alan’s blood!

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