Pullbox Reviews: Stranger Comics – Dusu: Path of the Ancient & Niobe: She is Life

A few weeks ago at C2E2 I had the pleasure of learning about Stranger Comics for the first time – an amazing independent comic / media company.  The books they are producing are nothing short of brilliant, heart-driven storytelling accompanied by equally gorgeous artwork.  Below i s my take on two of their present titles.

DUSU: Path of the Ancient #1
Written by Sebastian A. Jones & Christopher Garner
Art by James C. Webster
Concept and Layouts by Darrell May
Cover by James C. Webster

Hidden from his kin and sheltered from his future, Dusu is raised among the Galemren (Wild Elves) in the secret heart of the Ugoma Jungle, a world in which he does not belong. But Dusu is not entirely human either. He is on the Path to something more… Dusu must focus his rage and become the savior of Ugoma before all he loves is destroyed.

Dusu is a story of family, choices and purpose.  It pulls the reader on board from the very first splash page.  The visuals of Dusu (artwork by James Webster and layouts by Darrell May) vary from wide action scenes to facial close-ups and everything in-between throughout this entire adrenaline driven book and are incredible on every page and in every frame of this 36 page project.  I would be sold sight unseen on any other project that these two are teamed for.  The story (writers Sebastian Jones and Christopher Garner) dives the visual and are equally genius!  This book was my buy in to the worlds of Stranger Comics and through the expert narrative of the authors – I am sold!


NIOBE: She is Life #1
Written by Sebastian A. Jones & Amandla Stenberg
Art by Ashley A. Woods
Layouts by Darrell May
Cover by Michael Person

NIOBE: She is Life is a coming of age tale of love, betrayal, and ultimate sacrifice. Niobe Ayutami is an orphaned wild elf teenager and also the would-be savior of the vast and volatile fantasy world of Asunda. She is running from a past where the Devil himself would see her damned toward an epic future that patiently waits for her to bind nations against the hordes of hell. The weight of prophecy is heavy upon her shoulders and the wolf is close on her heels.

Niobe #1 is the introductory chapter into the vast wild fantasy world of Stranger Comics.  The most succinct sentence thing I can say about the book is that it is the definition of beautiful.  Artist Ashley Woods blows the fans away with these intense visuals.  The line work and inking are both excellent, but it’s the coloring that infused this book into my grey matter.  Woods’ gorgeous visuals teamed with the well-designed layouts of Darrell May brings this is issue into my top five of the last twelve months.  The narrative (authors Amandla Stenberg & Sebastian Jones) brings the readers in touch with the emotion and weight that is on Niobe, who has a world-changing purpose.  Almost universally, Niobe’s story is told through dialogue (even if it is between her and her Goddess guide), which takes an incredible amount of skill from a writer.  Niobe is not as action-drive as Dusu, but it an equally awesome story and it brings a much bigger perspective and allows for fans to ponder what further wonderment the fantasy worlds of Stranger Comics will bring.


Also – Check out this kickstarter that continues the second volume of Niobe – HERE

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