Pullbox Previews: Puppet Master #20

Writer(s): Shawn Gabborin
Artist Name(s): Marco Carrillo (pencils/inks) , Yann Perrelet (colors)
Cover Artist(s): Standard Cover A: Marco Carrillo (pencils/inks), Dan Olvera (colors)
Variant B: Standard Cover Sketch: Marco Carillo (pencils/inks)
Variant C: Hand Painted Cover: Kelly Williams (pencils/inks/colors)
Variant D: Glenn Lumsden (pencils/inks/colors)
Variant E: Interlocking Kill Cover (with Kill-A-Fan contest winners!) (Interlocks covers are the Halloween Special, #19, 20, & 21): Andrew Mangum (pencils/inks) , Gene Jimenez (colors)
Variant F: Interlocking Kill Cover Sketch (with Kill-A-Fan contest winners!): Andrew Mangum (pencils/inks)

More ghosts from Andre Toulon’s past come to light as he and the Retro Puppets dig deeper into the truths behind the Peterstown cult. The Great Transition is coming.  Can Toulon and the Puppets stop it? Should they even try?

Variant and variant sketch covers limited to 1,500 copies each.

The Kill Cover interlocks with the Halloween Special, Issues #19, and 21!

32 pgs./ T+ / FC                   $3.99 (reg.), $4.99 (var.)

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