Pullbox Previews: Kiss #3

Kiss #3
writer: Amy Chu
artist: Kewber Baal
covers: Nick Bradshaw (a), Shouri “Spaceman Emoji” (b), Photo Variant (c)
incentive cover: Nick Bradshaw (B/W art), 
Shouri “Spaceman Emoji” (B/W art),
Nick Bradshaw (“virgin art”)
Fans & retailers, order the cover of your choice!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99 • Teen+
The city of Blackwell is full of dark secrets, as Eran and Adi are finding out. Lost in a network of underground tunnels, and on the run from the robot Protectors, they try to reunite with Noa and Alex. Instead, they end up deep in the heart of Blackwell, and discover the shocking truth about the mysterious Council that has governed the city for centuries.
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