Pullbox Previews: Flash Gordon – Kings Cross #1

Flash Gordon: Kings Cross #1
writer: Jeff Parker, Jesse Hamm
artist: Jesse Hamm (art), Grace Allison (colors)
covers: Roger Langridge) (a), Marc Laming (art) & Grace Allison (colors) (b), Jesse Hamm (art) & Grace Allison (colors) (c)
subscription cover: Roberto Castro (d)
incentive cover: Marc Laming (B/W art), Roger Langridge  (B/W art)
Fans & retailers, order the cover of your choice!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99 • Teen+
Superstar JEFF PARKER (Future Quest) returns to FLASH GORDON, alongside the astounding team of JESSE HAMM & GRACE ALLISON! Flash, Mandrake The Magician & The Phantoms struggle to bring peace to a broken Earth…but a FAR-too-familiar foe from beyond threatens to destroy everything they hold dear!
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