Pullbox Previews: The Mummy #1

The Mummy #1
Writer: Peter Milligan
Artist: Ronilson Freire
FC – 32pp – $3.99 – On sale: November 9
For 2000 years the Sect of Anubis have prolonged their life spans through human sacrifice and the enslavement of an Egyptian High Priestess cursed to walk the afterlife for all eternity.

On one night every 30 years the Sect must offer up a human vessel to house the spirit of the priestess Nebetah so that they can kill her and drink her blood, thus granting them immortality.

 But this year they have chosen the wrong vessel and she’s not going willingly…

Cover A: John McCrea
Cover B: Tom Mandrake & M.D. Penman
Cover C: Ronilson Freire
Cover D: Felix Ruiz
Cover E: Jeff Zornow
Cover F: Blank Sketch Variant
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