Unspeakable Horrors Never Looked This Good


Unspeakable Horrors Never Looked This Good

Storm King Productions Unleashes Epic Creator Signings At New York Comic Con

(Hollywood, CA- September 28, 2016) Award winning publisher Storm King Productions announced today that although their new title John Carpenter’s Tales for a HalloweeNight Volume 2 will not hit stores until after the show that fans can get their New York Comic Con Exclusive Edition of the title at the show AND get it signed by an epic line up. This anthology includes works from all of the following artists and writers who WILL all be signing at the Storm King booth # 2304: Tim Bradstreet (Punisher), Sandy King Carpenter (They Live, Vampires), Cat Staggs (Wonder Woman ‘77), Jimmy Palmiotti (Harlequin), Steve Hoveke (Tales for a HalloweeNight Vol 1), Janice Chiang (Impulse), Dennis Calero (Xmen Noir), Deirdre Brooks (Wizard Press), Amanda Deibert (Wonder Woman’ 77), and Richard R. Clark (Batman: Arkham Unhinged).

John Carpenter’s Tales for a HalloweeNight Volume 2:
From John Carpenter, the man who brought you the cult classic horror film Halloween and all of the scares beyond comes 12 more twisted tales of terror, tricks, and treats. In volume 2 of the award-winning graphic novel series, Carpenter brings together another stellar ensemble of storytellers from the worlds of movies, novels and comics for a collection of stories that will haunt your dreams at night

Unable to make it to New York Comic Con? No comic shops or shows near you? Visit http://www.stormkingproductionsstore.com/ for the finest in Storm King productions products!
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About Storm King Productions:
Storm King Productions is headed up by writer producer powerhouse Sandy King Carpenter. Storm King focuses on artistic storytelling in all forms. Their flagship comic book title John Carpenter’s Asylum has become a global fan favorite. Other comic properties are also currently in production.

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