From Titan’s new Hard Case Crime Imprint – Pullbox Previews: Peepland #1

Peepland #1
Titan Comics
Writers: Christa Faust, Gary Phillips
Artist: Andrea Camerini
FC – 32pp – $3.99 – On sale: October 12
Times Square, 1986: the home of New York’s red light district where strip clubs, porno theatres and petty crime prevails. 
When a chance encounter for Peepbooth worker Roxy Bell leads to the brutal murder of a public access pornographer, the erotic performer and her punk rock ex-partner Nick Zero soon find themselves under fire from criminals, cops, and the city elite, as they begin to untangle a complex web of corruption leading right to city hall.
Like The Naked City, there are eight million stories in The Deuce. This is one of them.
Peepland #1 is a punky, semi-autobiographical neo-noir from critically acclaimed novelists Christa Faust (Money Shot, Nightmare on Elm Street) & Gary Phillips (The Underbelly, The Rinse). Peepland is Taxi Driver meets Goodfellas, and has incredible art from rising star Andrea Camerini (Il Troio).
COVER A – Fay Dalton
COVER B – Mack Chater
COVER C – Ben Oliver
COVER D – Alex Ronald
COVER E – Dennis Calero
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