Back This: Lords of the Cosmos

I have been a huge fan of Jason Lenox and Ugli Studios since 2012 – Incredible fantasy work and he has a new Project coming!

35e568630f657408ec741e836a21f182_originalJason’s blurb – Lords of the Cosmos is a comic book.  But it’s more than that – it’s a labor of love. More of a love letter, actually.

Back it here!

A love letter to action figures, Saturday morning cartoons, prizes in cereal boxes, and cheap comic books your mom would throw out. This is our nod to the days of heroes and villains, of monsters and mayhem.

Whether you’re just getting old or you were an old soul born forty years too late, this comic is for you – in all its overblown, heavy-handed glory. We call Lords of the Cosmos a “1980’s fever dream,” where the bad guys wore impractical armor and the soundtracks were rocking. By the powers of Greyskull and all that is truly outrageous, we hope you enjoy reading this first issue as much as we did making it.

So, pour some sugar cereal and sit too close to the TV. Or, ask one of your “old” friends; they’ll tell you of this magical time, decades ago. And maybe, just maybe, they’ll get a little weepy eyed for the original Transformers movie. Yeah, it was a cartoon, and it was awesome.

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