Roll20 to Partner With Adventurers League!

roll20-logoRoll20’s GM-in-Residence, Adam Koebel, will make an announcement tomorrow at 11:00am PT, on their regularly scheduled Actual Play Twitch stream. You’re hearing it here first: they are partnering with the D&D Adventurers League for the next campaign for our Twitch show!
Adventurers League is an ongoing official organized play campaign for Dungeons & Dragons, using 5E and set in the Forgotten Realms. Adventurers League is providing their gorgeous art and maps as well as the actual adventure. Roll20’s show will play through an entire season of content, which includes about 60 hours worth of story. The new campaign will begin on July 7 and will use the Tyranny of Dragons storyline.
This is a cool step forward for both Adventurers League and Roll20. Until this point, Adventurers League has been primarily geared towards in-person gaming sessions. It’s our shared hope that by embracing Roll20 and playing online, more people can experience these awesome storylines and get gaming!
Feel free to tune in to the livestream tomorrow at 11am PT to hear the full announcement.
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