Pullbox Interview: Double Take Comics

double-take-logoIt seems like C2E2 2016 was just yesterday instead of last March. But the hits just keep on coming!

While I was there I got to meet Gabe Yocum, one of Double Take‘s creators, and that lead us to do an interview.

Never heard of Double Take? Let me enlighten you.

It’s not uncommon for a comic book company to base all of their book around a single instance. DC has been doing it for years, even if it’s an ever-changing event. The company that comes to my mind, and really did it right, was Crossgen Comics. Anyone remember Crossgen Comics? They were an awesome publisher that came bursting on the comic scene in the early 2000s with top name creators. Their entire universe was hinged on this one event, this mark that existed in every one of their books. Even if their books where totally unrelated in style, tone, or even time period. They all had that one common tie.

Double Take has been able to grab that same magic, but with an even more interesting twist. Rather than based their world on an event they concocted, they have based it in a world most people have at least a passing knowledge of. Whether or not you are a hardcore nerd/geek, most people have heard of George Romero’s original Night of the Living Dead. This is where Double Take starts their stories

This event, taken from an American movie classic, it where all their stories start, but that doesn’t mean every story is a zombie survival story. Each book is unique in its story and spans comic book genres.

Without further rambling on my part, some words from Gabe Yocum.

You’ve created a world that is born of the same narrative point, The Night of the Living Dead, how did you guys have the idea to create an entire comic universe around this one specific point.

We all know and love the film, and appreciate the nuance that went in to the creation thereof.  It really is the perfect property to build a universe around.  There is tons of potential and so many stones left unturned.  You can tell any number of stories from this one place.

When you came up with the idea, did you really have ten different titles in mind?

As we examined the potential for storytelling we found so many options and landed at 10. There is enough fodder for a bunch of different new characters telling new stories and 10 is a great, round number!

Even though all your stories have a common zombie setting, I didn’t get the feeling that it’s all about zombies and zombie survival.  Without giving too much away, where can we expect the Double Take books to take us?

You are quite perceptive, beginning in the 3rd and 4th issues we begin to see some of our new characters transform from undead cannibals into uncanny superheroes.

Word around the internet is that Z-Men has been optioned for a film. Any news on how that is progressing? Any cast or crew news?

No casting info yet, but stay tuned. We really believe that Z-Men has tons of potential!

What does the future hold for Double Take?

Volume 1 trade paperbacks of all 10 titles come in September, Then New Number 1’s—Set in Present day, but same universe, in the Fall!

So there you have it folks! Head on over to your local comic shop for a printed version, or check out your digital comic vendor for some great new books.

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