KM Perform Takes up 6-Hour Comic Challenge for FCBD ’16

indexKM Perform Comic Book Club takes up the 24 hour comic book challenge at  on Free Comic Book Day May 7, 2016 at Books & Company, 1039 Summit Ave, Oconomowoc, WI (in the Whitman Park Shopping Center).

Time constraints prevent a full 24 hours, they will arrive at 11:00 a.m. brainstorm and agree on a story idea and try to produce as many pages as they can before 5:00 p.m.  While the writers bang out the first couple of scenes, the artists will work on character designs.  When the first scenes are done they will be handed off to the artists who will layout, pencil and ink the pages.

This is a great opportunity to see the process of making comics up close, and there is always the possibility of special guest appearances by industry professionals,

Come and see the next generation of comic book artists and writers!

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Updated: May 5, 2016 — 1:52 pm

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