Pullbox Previews: Penny Dreadful #1

Penny Dreadful #1

​Writer: ​

Krysty Wilson-Cairns       
Artist: Louie De Martinis

​Publisher: Titan Comics​

FC – 32pp – $3.99 – On Sale May 4

The hit TV series is presented in comics for the first time and the covers of issue #1 have been released! This prequel reveals the terrifying events that led Vanessa to try and find her missing childhood friend, Mina Harker, and exposes the true nature of the vampiric monsters infesting Victorian London. Beautifully realized by Louie De Martinis, and written by the scriptwriters of the hit show!

Issue #1 comes with six covers to collect: three art covers by artists Guillem March, Ben Templesmith and Louie De Martinis, two photo covers and a blank sketch variant.

COVER A: Guillem March – order code: MAR161722
COVER B: Ben Templesmith – order code: MAR161723
COVER C: Louie De Martinis – order code: MAR161724
COVER D: Photo – order code: MAR161725
COVER E: Photo – order code: MAR161726
COVER F: Blank Sketch – order code: MAR161727 

Ask your local comic shop to reserve you a copy now! To find your local comic shop visit ComicShopLocator.com

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​ Penny Dreadful

comics, join Titan Comics on Facebook or follow @ComicsTitan on Twitter. For more information about Titan Comics, visit Titan-Comics.com

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