Evening all – literally just got back from the first showing at my local theater. I want to share some thoughts with the readers without ruining the experience for anyone. I am thinking in bullet points, so that is what you get tonight
- I knew DCU television shows could be kick-ass, I now know DCU Movies can give Marvel a run for their money
- This was not an origin movie – Thank You Mr. Snyder!
- This movie was well done but jam-packed with details and side-plot; there were no throw-aways here which I very much appreciate – we went more than skin deep with both Bruce and Clark.
- The downside of the detailed-packed scenes for the DC fans is that I could easily see how non-fans might have trouble keeping track of all of the secondary characters and story rabbit-trails introduced (BvS sets up a wide multitude of movies) and the non-fans might become very frustrating theater patrons as they ask “Who is that?” and “What did we just see?” in the theater
- The action sequences are well-done and very intense, solidifying that BvS is very much a continuation (but not necessarily a sequel) of Man of Steel
- Many of the scenes were Frank Miller inspired if not straight out adaptions from his works – which was amazing to see!
- Zach Snyder gives DC fans a two and half hour film that has continuous action and sequencing, and yet still gives development and class to the characters. Many directors try to do this and stumble (no… no one is looking at you Mr. Bay)
- Years ago, when I saw Argo I had to take back every snarky thing I had ever said about Ben Affleck, I now have to take back every snarky thing I have said about Ben Affleck since Argo – he was brilliant!
- I would absolutely see a solo Batman movie starring Bat-flleck, without hesitation.
- I would also buy tickets to the Wonder Woman solo movie if I could right now
- Zack Snyder did right by all three parts of DC’s Trinity
- You want to see this movie… you should see this movie
- I will probably see this again tomorrow
- Review Grade: A
- Captain America: Civil War will have to be the best Marvel yet to top this.
- More to come after more folks have seen this – stay tuned!
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I told you Ben was a good choice. Daredevil was 13-years ago. With anything, you can’t judge a persons current ability if they spend the last 13-years trying to get better. When I saw The Town, I thought Ben would make a good Batman.