Cover Blitz: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #0 coming from BOOM!

MIGHTY MORPHIN POWER RANGERS #0 Retail Price: $3.99 Writers: Kyle Higgins, Mairghread Scott, Steve Orlando Artists: Hendry Prasetyo, Daniel Bayliss Cover Artist: Goñi Montes

Synopsis: What’s to Love: Saban’s Power Rangers is a multi-generational, globally recognized franchise. With its epic Ranger suits, giant Zords and Megazords, and—at its core—a story of super powered teens who defend the world from evil, the Power Rangers series is a pop-culture phenomenon that has continued to resonate with fans for more than 22 years. We, as huge Power Rangers fans ourselves, are excited to produce a modern Power Rangers comic featuring the iconic characters from the original Mighty Morphin Power Rangers series.

What It Is: It’s Morphin Time! Saban’s Mighty Morphin Power Rangers make their BOOM! Studios comic debut in this kick-off #0 issue, which sets the stage for the rest of the series. After escaping Rita Repulsa’s mind control, Tommy Oliver, the Green Ranger, joins up with the rest of the Power Rangers to combat her never-ending evil plans. Any semblance of a normal life is gone for Tommy now, but with his newfound family there lies hope for a brighter path. Includes the short story from the San Diego Comic-Con exclusive Mighty Morphin Power Rangers comics!

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