Pullbox Reviews: Heroes Vengeance #2

Heroes 2 A Cover_RubineHeroes Reborn: Vengeance #2 (of 5)
Writers: Seamus Kevin Fahey & Zach Craley
Artist: Rubine
Letters: Jim Campbell
Colors: Ester Sanz
Titan Comics
On sale Nov 11th
‘Vengeance’ Part Two It’s a day in the life of El Vengador, as he tries to balance his family life with his dealings with LA gangsters. But how will El Vengador cope when the stakes are raised and he is forced to fight a huge, fiery Evo? Plus: Discover El Vengador’s lair!
If you are watching Heroes Reborn and you know what’s going on currently, you probably wish this entire story arc had come out over the summer, so it would be wrapping up now.  As it is, we are in issue #2 of this arc, and the writers build nicely on the themes set up in issue #1: The importance of family and being true to your own values.  You get more background on Oscar and Carlos Gutierrez, and about the kind of environment they’re living in now.  A villain is introduced, and I’m sure we’ll see him again.
Rubine’s art has good action and expression, making this an enjoyable read.  The colors set up by Sanz enhance the whole story, with the past being just a smidgen lighter than the present, letting you know that things weren’t so great in the past either.
Enjoy the insight into a Hero that showed himself as heroic right away, who feels a need to use his power to help his neighborhood because he can. Oscar isn’t using his power for personal gain.  He’s grown-up Spider-Man, and we like him all the more for it.

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