Pullbox Reviews: Black – Embrace the Dark “Told Brilliantly”

Cover Black Candiloro


Writing and Art: Frank Candiloro

Franken Comics Available Nov 27, 2015

Black is Candiloro’s celebration of the dark side of life – all your deepest fears wrapped in an inky ichor and sent down the river into the deepest jungle of the mind. Unlike his earlier offerings, this
is a much shorter book (12 pages, as opposed to 22), but the message is powerfully rendered and needs no further expansion.

As with Beyond the Moon , Black is entirely wordless to allow each reader an entirely unique experience. Thrown into the darkness with little hope, you have a decision to make: Do you give up hope when there is no light to be found, or do you embrace the darkness and see it through to its conclusion? Only you can decide.

Told brilliantly in Candiloro’s strong graphic style, you have no worries for the state of his psyche. He can have no darkness left within: It’s been eradicated from his soul to the pages of this book.
Well done!

Black will be available for purchase from Candiloro’s website on November 27, 2015.  You may also view his art on his Tumblr page.

Black Comic Candiloro interior art

Update Nov 30, 2015 – you may view the entire comic on Candiloror’s Tumblr Page.

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