Pullbox Reviews: Doctor Who – The Eighth Doctor #1

Five amazing, interconnected new stories take the Doctor on a rollercoaster of threat and misadventure, as he investigates the mysteries surrounding his new companion Josie. Victorian magic shows, murderous trees, lost books, crystalline life-forms, barges in space crammed with the undead… and the grand journey all begins in a sleepy Welsh town… besieged by living paintings!
Buckle up for a wild ride that embraces all the Gothic Romance and interstellar terror of the Doctor’s eighth incarnation!
Kicking off a new mini-series centered around the Eighth Doctor (played by Paul McGann in the Doctor Who movie), we jump right into the Doctor’s house in Wales now occupied by artist/squatter Josie Day.  Weirdness happens, and we’re in the midst of a new Doctor Who story!  George Mann sets up the mini in this issue, introducing Josie and reminding us of what makes Doctor Eight different from other Doctors.  He brings all the joy of a frothy pumpkin spice cappuccino to the story, although you have a distinct feeling that the aliens in this encounter are no large threat; merely an exercise to introduce Josie and open up a new mystery to be solved.
The art does a good job of reminding us that Doctor Eight spent a fair amount of time in this body, and  the pretty young man of the movie grew up in novelization and audio dramas to become the less fussy but still charming gentleman who went into the Time War.  This is distinctly pre-war, indicated by easy smiles and an unflappability not exibited in the other characters of the story.  The colors are bright and cheery, confirming that this first issue isn’t the most dangerous situation of the series.
Definitely written to appeal to fans of Doctor Who still looking for that entire season of Doctor Eight stories, but also for Whovians who just can’t get enough.  Can’t wait for issue #2!

8D #1 8D #2 8D #3 8D #4 8D_01_Cover_WHO_SHOP by Rachael Stott and HI-FI Doctor_Who_8D_01_Alice_X_Zhang Doctor_Who_8D_01_Alien_Entertainment Doctor_Who_8D_01_BAM by Mariano Laclaustra Doctor_Who_8D_01_Cover_B_Photo_NEW Doctor_Who_8D_01_Cover_C_Warren Pleece Doctor_Who_8D_01_Cover_D_Blank_Sketch Doctor_Who_8D_01_FP_JP by SImon Myers Doctor_Who_8D_01_LIWHO by Matthew Dow Smith

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