Pullbox Previews: Mercy Sparx Volume 3 Trade Your Local Comic Shop
![Mercy Sparx TPB3 cover](https://ci3.googleusercontent.com/proxy/3K8p3A3_7tIpZdMEJpe-8p5IDK1WMS0HJee4RQo1drr3cCfosXIvNAekCQbwTnd62HiIl-oNPs86LBkUHQxHfmnQo7MB6Y8zvcZG21IavUWKZfDo-b9Q1_NjQbrK96Q3lzbdft5iW6MbQL1VAv2QodZc1RwWiKsyN43N=s0-d-e1-ft#https://cascade.madmimi.com/promotion_images/1058/0874/original/Mercy_Sparx_TPB3_cover.jpg?1445277008)
Mercy Sparx Volume 3: Family Roots [of All Evil]
Mercy Sparx Volume 3 Trade Paperback is in stores, on comiXology and DriveThru, and available through the Devil’s Due webstoretoday! The Volume 3 trade features Mercy Sparx issues 6 through 9 with interiors by Matt Merhoff, David Newbold, Dan Leister, Jen Hickman, and Hoyt Silva. If you’ve been waiting for the trade and love reading the Mercy Sparx series in chunks, you won’t want to waste any time putting this at the top of your reading list. Did we mention you finally get to meet Mercy’s parents?
GALAXYS for HIRE Chapter 2 – Now Live
![GG Selfie Finished Flat--LOGO ALT web](https://ci3.googleusercontent.com/proxy/aYJ1uZflLyojbjVn2TPzOvqLXCnkua-pnhWSAtkqZH7srIdeV1fMq5Cr87z7LELmkgedfG8rR2oYMYSUZ1Tb85tX8W2g9X4eWcRgEoko1DmPwse3y6urzRWenSY9sNqK5_Y99I0ln31WXehJol_AGoz4TB9kbZP82NZsPdWIm4yqO78_by1kY-VsrA=s0-d-e1-ft#https://cascade.madmimi.com/promotion_images/1058/0611/original/GG_Selfie_Finished_Flat--LOGO_ALT__web.jpg?1445275763)
GALAXYS for HIRE Chapter 2
After taking a short break, Tanna, Mal, and the girls are back for chapter 2 of GALAXYS for HIRE! Chapter 1 finished leaving everyone on edge. Mal seemed to be in the middle of a ‘transaction’ (not a shady drug deal) that should have been over with by now. Tanna is now a captain for the Intergalctic Union and is ready to go arrest her sister. Was the q-shrooms job just part a of setup by Tanna to capture Mal and the girls to put an end to their heists? Or are Mal and the girls just at the wrong place at the wrong time? Find out now on GALAXYS for HIRE Chapter 2!
Tales of Mr. Rhee Volume 3 – A DDE Digital First
Hot on the heels of the release of the delivery of the TALES OF MR. RHEE Volume 2 Kickstarter Exclusive Hardcover collections, Devil’s Due/First is excited to announce TALES OF MR. RHEE Volume 3: “Whoever Fights Monsters…” as their newest Digital First series!
This latest volume of the horror noir series will be a perfect jumping-on point for new readers while also continuing the compelling story of the street-level magician Mr. Rhee and his continuing quest to survive and thrive in a world that refuses to believe the demonic threats he seeks to protect others from are real.
More details will be made available in the coming weeks, but in the meantime, both TALES OF MR. RHEE Volume 1 and TALES OF MR. RHEE Volume 2 are available from Comixology HERE.
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