Pullbox Reviews: A Train Called Love #2 – It Works!

Myles and Valerie’s face-off with the appallingly German Schmitt brothers takes an unexpected turn, while Marv’s plans for Mike turn out to be inappropriate and then some. Meanwhile, Penny tells Marcy the sorry tale of what she caught Marv doing on the internet, Call-me-Dave comes a-calling, and love blossoms while bullets fly…

Garth Ennis.  Romance.  Let me take out my sarcasm sign to tell you how well I thought this would go together.
Well, you can put away the sarcasm sign because issue 2 of A Train Called Love is turning this series into the most messed up episode of Friends EVER, in such a delightful way.  The  fully-realized cast of characters, from the British assassin Myles, bar singer Marcy, the group of disgruntled  guys, their nearly-famous friend (just Call Me Dave), the German hit men,   and the sisters who each seem to take their circumstances and face them head on.  The situations aren’t SO far out that they aren’t believable (if you have hit men in your life, of course), and I actually have both a hope and a desire for all of these characters to turn out only mildly damaged by the end of this story.
The art is a very fitting Mad Magazine style that warns you not to take anything you read TOO seriously.  Colors – from Valerie’s 80’s hair and clothing pallet to the warm tones of the bar – only enhance the cartoonish dimensionality of these characters and their world.  It works.  It really works.
Looking forward to issue #3 to see how this plays out.  Tune in next month!
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