Kickstarter Spotlight – Tenko King (Vol. 1)

Are you a fan of Tenko King?


If your answer is no, you clearly haven’t read Tenko King which works out just fine because it’s completely free to read (at and you can go binge read it at your leisure! It’s a wonderfully woven fantasy epic-in-the-making that has all the charm of the Legend of Zelda, but with an entertaining protagonist named Flip that actually communicates in more than grunts and broken pottery. It has all the loveable characters of an 8-bit NES game, before games could rely on graphics as a sole selling point, but with an amazingly rich setting and a visual aesthetic that could not possibly be more fitting for the tone of the narrative. It’s positively addicting.


If your answer is yes, then hurry over to Kickstarter and throw money at the campaign to fund physical copies of Tenko King Volume 1!


Just click the picture below, and check out the Kickstarter!

Minimum Suggested Backing Tier: $55

Reason: Beyond assuring yourself a copy and assuring a project succeeds so you can enjoy it in the future, a big pull of Kickstarter projects are the rewards you won’t be able to get later on, and at $55 and up you really start getting those neat prizes that make the book more than a beloved collection on your bookshelf and a truly prized item to show off and demand noone touch with smudgy dirty fingers. Don’t just get the book, get yours signed and numbered.


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