Kickstarter Spotlight – PLOX (Volume 1)

Have you read PLOX?

     PLOX is an online graphic novel from award-winning Colorist Steve Hamaker (whose work you might also find on the pages of Scott Kurtz’s Table Titans) that he has been actively creating and publishing since July 2013.  The comic is free-to-read online and is updated on Tuesdays and Thursdays. The story surrounds the lives of 3 friends and how gaming has affected their lives, from bringing them together to splitting them apart and the shockwaves it sends through the rest of their daily lives.

     Through the surprisingly deep and relateable story, we are drawn through the emotional rollercoaster of seeing what it’s like to be bullied and harassed, to how easily we can become the bully and harasser without even realizing it. Not knowing we’re using our own enjoyment of a common element to detract from the enjoyment of others, placing our happiness above our friends. We see the problems that arise from that, and what it means to be stuck in the middle of two friends currently experiencing the rift that can form because of it.

Click the picture below to check out the campaign

Minimum Suggested Backing Tier: $30

Reason: You get the physical book for your shelf, the PDF for your immediate enjoyment, and all the goodies that make a Kickstarter campaign alluring (the die in particular, for me!).


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