Pullbox Previews: Space Riders #3


Artist: Alexis Ziritt
Writer: Fabian Rangel Jr.
Letters: Ryan Ferrier

From the galactic core to the outer quadrants, one name strikes terror in the hearts of evil beings everywhere: the Space Riders! Sailing the cosmos in the Skullship Santa Muerte, Capitan Peligro and his fearless crew deal harsh justice to the scum of the galaxy while searching for the forbidden truths of the universe! Fabian Rangel Jr (Doc Unknown) and Alexis Ziritt (The Package) bring you a new and exciting space adventure that will destroy your brain! (in a good way).

Wrongfully accused of attempted God Murder, Capitan Peligro, Mono, and Yara find themselves captured by an alien robot army. Meanwhile, an all powerful evil is gathering forces across the galaxy, and they’re in hot pursuit of our heroes. Hold on to your butts as the Space Riders hunt for the Tomb of the Space Gods!

Alexis Ziritt’s (The Package) insane art is both a throwback to classics like Jack Kirby, Fltecher Hanks, and Heavy Metal Magazine, while still having a modern sensibility that showcases his own unique style . Writer Fabian Rangel Jr. (Doc Unknown) manages to tame that craziness and tell a compelling and very human story. Space Riders becomes that rare middle ground that has something for everyone while never compromising

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