Amazing Horror Series – Pullbox Previews: The Westwood Witches TP

The Westwood Witches TP

Writer: El Torres
Artists: Abel García, Ángel Hernández
Cover Artist: Ángel Hernández
ISBN Code: 9788416074761-51999

Jack Kurtzberg is a successful writer of young witch romance bestsellers… and he hates it so much. Suffering from writer’s block after the death of his dear brother, he decides to move back to his hometown, not knowing that his new neighbours are witches, the kind of demon worshippers that would kill anyone who could disturb their dominion  in Westwood.

This volume reprints the critically acclaimed horror miniseries THE WESTWOOD WITCHES published by AMIGO COMICS,  leading us into the extraordinaire story of a coven of beautiful, blood-thirsty witches hiding in plain sight and how their destinies are inextricably linked with writer Jack Kurtzberg.

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