Pullbox Previews: Runaways #1

They are the brightest teens, brought together from all corners of Battleworld to attend the prestigious Doom Institute in the planet’s capital. But this June, they’re going to become…Runaways! Today, Marvel is pleased to present your first look at RUNAWAYS #1, as the cult-favorite hit comes to Secret Wars courtesy of rising comic stars Noelle Stevenson (NIMONA, Lumberjanes) and Sanford Greene (Uncanny Avengers)! Classes, exams, detention. Seems like a normal school, right? Except your headmaster is actually a diabolical super villain, and the final exam is a brutal match to the death! Only one solution: RUN AWAY! Now, super powered teens Molly Hayes, Jubilee, Bucky Barnes, Cloak & Dagger, Amadeus Cho, Skaar and a few new faces are set loose on Battleworld. If they survive the horrors of the Secret Wars, they just might learn a thing or two. Prepare for a new twist on a modern Marvel classic perfect for fans old and new when RUNAWAYS #1 hits comic shops this June!


RUNAWAYS #1 (APR150727)
Variant Cover by PHIL NOTO (APR150728)

FOC – 05/25/15, On-Sale – 06/17/15

Runaways_1_Cover Runaways_1_Noto_Variant Runaways_1_Preview_1 Runaways_1_Preview_2 Runaways_1_Preview_3

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