Pullbox Previews: Dynamite Entertainment 5/20

Battlestar Galactica: Six #5
J. T. Krull (w) 
Rod Rodolfo (a)
Jenny Frison, Rod Rodolfo (c)
Fans & retailers, order the cover of your choice!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99 • Teen+ 
Dietrich Smith B/W Art retailer incentive cover
Ardian Syaf B/W Art retailer incentive cover
Dietrich Smith “Cylon Red” Art retailer incentive cover
The crew of the Galactica, and the fleet as a whole, comes to terms with Apollo’s shocking fate. But there is no time for reflection. Apollo’s mission woke up the Cylon threat, and the old enemy has become aware of the fleet again. The War has turned hot again, the fleet is in grave danger, and without Apollo’s pilot skills and leadership, the human race may not survive. Epic, continuity-shaking storytelling from cosmic fan-favorite writer Dan Abnett and out-of-this-world artist Dietrich Smith.
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Django/Zorro #7
Quentin Tarantino, Matt Wagner (w) 
Esteve Polls (a)
Jae Lee, Francesco Francavilla (c)
Fans & retailers, order the cover of your choice!
FC • 40 pages • $5.99 • Teen+
Francesco Francavilla “Virgin” Art retailer incentive cover
Matt Wagner B/W Art retailer incentive cover
Jae Lee B/W Art retailer incentive cover
The epic pairing of these legendary heroes reaches its smashing conclusion in an extra-long, nail-biting finale. The action boils over this issue as both Django and Zorro battle to defeat the powerful Archduke of Arizona and shatter his sinister hold over the indigenous Yaqui people. Django finds he can no longer sit still as he sees an entirely different race enslaved under the yoke of a cruel master. And Diego de la Vega must deal with stunning heartache and loss even as he pushes ahead in his never-ending quest for justice. 30 pulse-pounding pages of story and art provide a rousing finish to this spectacular and ground-breaking series—the first official sequel to a film by Quentin Tarantino. Scripted by Eisner-award winner Matt Wagner and featuring art by Esteve Pols and colors by Brennan Wagner.
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Jungle Girl: Season 3 #2
Frank Cho, Doug Murray (w) 
Jack Jadson (a) 
Frank Cho (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99 • Teen+ 
Frank Cho B/W Art retailer incentive cover
Frank Cho “Virgin” Art retailer incentive cover
The beginning of the End! Creatures from the hovering flying saucer (you’d better check out issue #1 to see where this started!) begin to break up the God Mountain. If they free the dreaming creature inside, the world will be destroyed! Jana and her friends have to fight their way through the Dirt People and past one of their hated and feared Dream Walkers to get to the caverns that holds a piece of an ancient weapon—one that might be able to stop the Aliens from achieving their goal. There’s only one problem—to get the item they need, Jana will have to fight giant blood worms, Gigantopithicenes, and the Dream Walker himself!
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Legenderry: Vampirella #4
David Avallone (w) 
David Cabrera (a) 
Sergio Dávila (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99 • Teen+ 
Sergio Dávila B/W Art retailer incentive cover
Moreau makes a monster, Kurtz stirs the masses, and Toomey gets lucky in the most unlucky way possible. Vampirella kisses a boy, storms the Council and fights a Bat-Man. Sex, violence, and everyone is wearing goggles for some reason.
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Shaft #6
David F. Walker (w) 
Bilquis Evely (a)
Bill Sienkiewicz, Francesco Francavilla (c)
Fans & retailers, order the cover of your choice!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99 • Mature 
Denys Cowan w/ Bill Sienkiewicz B/W Art retailer incentive cover
Sanford Greene B/W retailer incentive cover
Francesco Francavilla “Virgin” Art retailer incentive cover
The critically acclaimed comic book debut of Shaft comes to a violent end in a hard-boiled climax of retribution, revenge, and betrayal. The first big case of private detective John Shaft’s career has come with a high price. Shaft has it all figured out, but the bodies haven’t finished dropping, and there are still scores to settle. With the ghosts of his past looking over his shoulder, and his enemies in his sights, Shaft makes his final play.
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Swords of Sorrow: Vampirella / Jennifer Blood #1
Nancy A. Collins (w) 
Dave Acosta (a) 
Billy Tan (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99 • Teen+ 
A team-up set up by Swords of Sorrow’s GAIL SIMONE, featuring the writer that she hand-picked: Nancy A. Collins! – Vampirella travels to Southern California to hunt down a supernatural serial killer known as the Pacifica Slasher, only to find herself transported to an alternate reality where there’s no such things as vampires, demons, and magic. But, as the most dangerous woman in the world, vigilante Jennifer Blood knows, that doesn’t mean monsters don’t exist. Does the weirdly shaped sword presented to her by the mysterious being called The Courier hold the key to returning Vampirella to her own universe? Or will she be forced to live and die in L.A.?
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Vampirella Vol. 2 #12
Nancy A. Collins (w) 
Patrick Berkenkotter (a)
Mike Mayhew, Jenny Frison (c)
Fans & retailers, order the cover of your choice!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99 • Teen+ 
Mike Mayhew “Virgin” Art retailer incentive cover
Vampirella may be the new Queen of the Nosferatu, but her rule is far from an easy one. Angered by her attempts to change how the Nosferatu prey upon humans, a rebel factor—lead by the powerful Count Savanovic—conspire against her with the help of an outside faction that even vampires fear. A potential ally makes himself known, but can Vampirella trust him—even if he is a blood relative? Find out in “Blood Born”, the first installment in the new “God Save The Queen” story arc
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