Pullbox Revisits Deep State – TPB Vol 1- The Dark Side of the Moon

DeepState_v1_coverDeep State TPB vol 1
Writer(s): Justin Jordan
Artist(s): Ariela Kristantina
On October 16, 2013, 437 students, 52 teachers, and 24 additional staff from Bay Point Preparatory High School in suburban Milwaukee, WI vanished without a trace. Countless light years away, far outside the bounds of the charted universe, 513 people find themselves in the middle of an ancient, primordial wilderness. Where are they? Why are they there? The answers will prove stranger than anyone could possibly imagine. Collects issues #1-4 of the critically acclaimed series.

I’ve talked about Deep State before, about how much I enjoyed the story and it’s great mix of Men In Black and The X-Files (anyone else looking forward to the show’s rebirth?). The dark and sinister tone of the series, as it’s come out so far, is a step away from some of the other sci fi, aliens on Earth fare, and it was a welcome if occasionally disturbing breath of air. Agents Harrow and Branch work for an agency that doesn’t exist, and their job is to keep all of the secrets that agency has regarding everything that isn’t “us”. The inaugural story arc kept a great pace, and the art was just detailed enough to give me a few chills without ruining my lunch.

If you missed out on the original run, Boom Studios has given you another chance with this trade paperback edition. Go out and pick it up… Or don’t, but if you miss out again you have no one to blame but yourself. And Agent Harrow will know…











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