Devil’s Due Weekly Update!

Operation Nemesis: A Story of Genocide and Revenge is on the shelves of your LCS and is available for digital download through multiple platforms as we speak. The long anticipated graphic novel honoring the 100 year anniversary of the Armenian Genocide has taken the stage withSystem of a Downand has been a suggested read by the 100 Years 100 Facts project. Now readers all over the world can finally find out how exactly Songhomon Tehllirian walked away a free man and learn more about the Armenian Genocide. Operation Nemesis is also now available for purchase through the DDE Webstore.


It’s the most wonderful time of the year in Chicago – C2E2.11045425 10153335449617664 8627631482318938189 o Of course, Devil’s Due is going all out in their hometown with an awesome lineup of DDE creators at the booth and running around the con. Don’t miss your chance to meet Josh Blaylock, K. Lynn Smith, Ash Maczko, and Ashley Witter atthe DDE booth (#1656) and Dirk Manning (H8) and Seth Damoose (H7)in Artist Alley. Maybe with K. Lynn’s selfie stick, you can get a mega-selfie with all of these awesome DDE creators!

DDE C2E2 Signing Schedule

Friday 4/24
Team Ash: 1 to 2 & 5:30 to 6:30
Josh Blaylock: 4 to 5

Saturday 4/25
K. Lynn Smith: 1 to 2:30
Team Ash: 3 to 4:30
Josh Blaylock: 5 to 6

Sunday 4/26
K. Lynn Smith: 12 to 1:30
Team Ash: 2 to 4
Josh Blaylock: All Day

scorch TPB 01Scorch Is Coming To Print – Devil’s Due Entertainment will be printing Ashley Witter’s Scorch as a trade paperback. Originally a webcomic, Scorch is the story of a demon living an immortal life as a young teen in suburban America. In order to keep living her immortal life, she must pay a debt (with interest) to the most powerful demon. Did we mention the debt was to be paid with human souls? Along with this, Scorch sets out to discover herself, prevent the end of the world, and just pass the 10th grade. Scorch is scheduled to be at your LCS this coming July.

Have no fear! Plume Volume 2 is now on BackerKit. Although you won’t be able to pledge or pre-order any of the Plume Exclusive Hardcovers or other Plume Exclusive Kickstarter goodies, you can still pre-order the trade paperback, Plume t-shirts, buttons and more until May 1st! Click here to check out the Plume Volume 2 BackerKit Pre-Order shop.

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