Pullbox Reviews: Doctor Who – The Tenth Doctor Vol. 1: Revolutions of Terror!

Titan---Doctor_Who_The_Tenth_Doctor_Vol_01_Book.jpg.size-600Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor Vol. 1 Revolutions of Terror (Titan Comics – Abadzis / Zhang / Casagrande / Florean)

The Tenth Doctor thought he was done with new companions after Donna’s tragic exit – but that was before he met Gabriella ‘Gabby’ Gonzalez during an incursion of psychic parasites in Brooklyn, New York!

Stuck running her father’s Laundromat, Gabby always dreamed of horizons beyond Sunset Park – whether that was going to college, making it as an artist, or just escaping her life for a while. Now she’s traveling the cosmos as the Doctor’s latest companion – and life couldn’t be more exciting! 

Battling invisible creatures on the Day of the Dead, uncovering a galactic conspiracy in the universe’s most famous art gallery… the only downside is the constant threat of death!

Collects Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor #1-5

For this American Whovian, who fell in love with the Galifreyian Mythos over 30 years ago, these new series from Titan (Tenth, Eleventh and Twelfth Doctor) are nothing short of AMAZING! The Titan bullpens have teamed-up with the blessing of the BBC and created stories that are worthy expansions of the modern Doctor Who pantheon and canon.

Outside of this series, I am not too familiar with the work of author Nick Abadzis, but from what he has shown in this five issue story arc, I will be sure to pick up a book in the future simply on his name alone. From a great lead-in hook to believable likeable characters to nailing the Tennant mannerisms to riding the science fiction / adventure fine line– Mr. Abadzis bottles all the awesome lightning that is Doctor Who story-telling! From issue #1 to issue #5 we see a great range of plot, pacing and voice – all done well! It is impressive this is all from the same author!

It is never easy trying to visually capture a beloved character / icon but the Titan art team does that extraordinarily well here. The team consisting of Alice Zhang, Elena Casagrande and Arianna Florean seem like a well-synthesized group that is topping the rest of the industry. Not only so they do an expert job of artistically channeling David Tennant and iconic elements from the show, but they equally show a wide range of framing and canvas. Whether it’s blocking out a conversation for maximum character development or a linear action scene or some way-out visual narration that further enhances the story telling (issue #5) – This team gets across the intention of the story to the reader is a seamless manner.

Grade: A+

The Bottom Line: If you haven’t picked up the single issues (or even if you have) this trade collection is a no-brainer to get – available now!

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