Pullbox Previews: Dynamite Entertainment 4/1/15

Battlestar Galactica: Death of Apollo #5
Dan Abnett (w) 
Dietrich Smith (a)
Mike Mayhew, Dietrich Smith, Livio Ramondelli, Ardian Syaf (c)
Fans & retailers, order the cover of your choice!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99 • Teen+ 
Dietrich Smith B/W Art retailer incentive cover
Ardian Syaf B/W Art retailer incentive cover
Dietrich Smith “Cylon Red” Art retailer incentive cover
The crew of the Galactica, and the fleet as a whole, comes to terms with Apollo’s shocking fate. But there is no time for reflection. Apollo’s mission woke up the Cylon threat, and the old enemy has become aware of the fleet again. The War has turned hot again, the fleet is in grave danger, and without Apollo’s pilot skills and leadership, the human race may not survive. Epic, continuity-shaking storytelling from cosmic fan-favorite writer Dan Abnett and out-of-this-world artist Dietrich Smith.
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Uncanny: Season 2 #1
Andy Diggle (w) 
Aaron Campbell (a) 
Jock, Ben Oliver (c)
Fans & retailers, order the cover of your choice!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99 • Teen+ 
Jock “Virgin” Art retailer incentive cover
Ben Oliver “Virgin” Art retailer incentive cover
Aaron Campbell “Virgin” Art retailer incentive cover
Weaver is a man on the run. Gifted with the uncanny ability to steal knowledge and skills from other people, he found himself used as bait in a high stakes game of cat and mouse. Now it’s time for Weaver to turn the tables on the shadowy organization known as Cadre, as he begins his quest to find the source of his own powers.
Uncanny2-01-Cov-A-Jock Uncanny2-01-Cov-B-Oliver Layout 1 Layout 1 Layout 1 Layout 1 Layout 1
Looking For Group #1
Ryan Sohmer (w) 
Lar deSouza, Hawk, Ryan Dunlavey, Ed Ryzowski (a) 
Ty Templeton, Becky Dreisdadt (c)
Fans & retailers, order the cover of your choice!
FC • 48 pages • $4.99 • Teen+ 
Looking For Group is a hilarious ride through Fantasy and Adventure tropes, set in a reality and time unlike our own. A place where the eating of small children is not necessarily frowned upon; where beings of extraordinary power can destroy entire villages with only “because I could” as an excuse; where magic and adventure are as common place as setting fire to then reanimating a chipmunk into a skeletal minion (it happens more than you’d think); and an epic journey can begin by an accident of fate. With a brand new cover by Industry Veteran Ty Templeton (Batman ’66 Meets The Green Hornet) and bonus stories from the Non-Playable Character and Tiny Dick Adventures spinoffs, see what millions have been talking about online as this long-running webcomic comes to print in monthly comic book format.
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Pathfinder: Origins #3
F. Wesley Schneider (w) 
Tom Garcia (a) 
Stjepan Sejic, Tom Garcia (c)
Fans & retailers, order the cover of your choice!
FC • 32 pages • $4.99 • Teen+
When mysteries in Seoni the sorcerer’s past lead her to the renowned Jeggare Museum, she finds its newest acquisition targeted by deadly thieves. Joining with the mercenary magus Seltyiel, her plan to capture the criminals unmasks their underhanded leader, but also a menace from an age of forgotten evil. A tale of magic and ancient secrets from Pathfinder editor-in-chief F. Wesley Schneider (Pathfinder: Goblins!) with art by Tom Garcia (Clive Barker’s Hellraiser)! Contains pull-out poster map and official Pathfinder RPG bonus encounter!
PathfinderOrigins03-Cov-A-Sejic PathfinderOrigins03-Cov-B-Garcia Layout 1 Layout 1 Layout 1 Layout 1 Layout 1
Army of Darkness #5
Cullen Bunn (w) 
Larry Watts (a) 
Gabriel Hardman, Tim Seeley, Nacho Tenorio (c)
Fans & retailers, order the cover of your choice!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99 • Teen+ 
Gabriel Hadrman B/W Art retailer incentive cover
Tim Seeley B/W Art retailer incentive cover
Nacho Tenorio B/W Art retailer incentive cover
The final issue of the “Ash in Space” saga! Ash may be lost in space, but his responsibilities as the Chosen One have followed him! The Deadites have launched a satellite that will broadcast their evil influence all over Earth. And before Ash can stop them, he has to find his way off a space station that is coming apart – explosively – around his ears!
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The Blood Queen vs Dracula #2
Troy Brownfield (w) 
Kewber Baal (a) 
Jay Anacleto, Fabiano Neves (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99 • Teen+ 
Jay Anacleto B/W Art retailer incentive cover
Fabiano Neves B/W Art retailer incentive cover
The epic meeting between the Prince of Darkness and the Blood Queen continues! When Dracula and Elizabeth come face to face, sparks (and quite possibly, blood) will fly. With their common enemy rising from the Ottoman Empire, will they put aside their differences to fight back, or will they be consumed by their own war? It’s two classic characters in one bold new series from Dynamite!
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Project Superpowers: Blackcross #2
Warren Ellis (w) 
Colton Worley (a) 
Tula Lotay , Declan Shalvey, Gabriel Hardman, Colton Worley (c)
Fans & retailers, order the cover of your choice!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99 • Teen+ 
Colton Worley Exclusive Art retailer incentive cover
Tula Lotay “Virgin” Art retailer incentive cover
Declan Shalvey B/W Art retailer incentive cover
Gabriel Hardman B/W Art retailer incentive cover
In the quiet Pacific Northwestern town of Blackcross, something terrible is happening. A man has burned himself to death by the lake, but there’s no body. A man under witness protection is under threat. A serial killer is murdering his way towards the town limits. And supernatural figures stare out through mirrors and windows, haunting their own doppelgangers. The alternative history of Blackcross is reaching out through the mist to lay its claws on the real world.
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***Legenderry Green Hornet #2
Daryl Gregory (w)
Brent Peeples (a)
Sergio Fernandez Davila, Ivan Nunes (c)
FC l 32 pages l $3.99 l Teen+ l ­3/18
Sergio Fernandez Davila B/W Art retailer incentive cover
The Big City gang war heats up, and there’s a bounty on the Green Hornet’s head! The Hornet and Kato start their hunt for the secret architect of the war, which leads them to the headquarters of the strangest cult in the city, the Clockwork Cathedral. When the great and powerful Tik-Tok asks for donations, they will be collected!
***Patricia Briggs’ Mercy Thompson: Hopcross Jilly #6
Patricia Briggs, Rik Hoskin (w) 
Tom Garcia (a/c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99 • Teen+ 
Tom Garcia B/W Art retailer incentive cover
Mercy Thompson’s all-new comic book adventure comes to its tense conclusion, in a story by New York Times’ bestselling author, Patricia Briggs! Mercy has discovered a fae connection to the buried bodies. But can that knowledge help save her stepdaughter Jesse before she becomes Hopcross Jilly’s next victim?
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