Pullbox Previews: Zenescope Releases this week!

Grimm Tales of Terror #7 – Bloody Mary

As the legend goes, if you say those words three times while looking in a mirror, the ghost of Bloody Mary will appear.  But what happens when an innocent ghost story becomes much more real?

The horror anthology series from Zenescope Entertainment continues!

Grimm Tales of Terror #7

Story by Joe Brusha, Ralph Tedesco, Josh Gorfain

Written by Ralph Tedesco

Art by Joel Ojeda (1-13) and Eleonora Carlini (14-22)

Colors by Fran Gamboa

Letters by Micah Myers

Edited by Nicole Glade

Price: $3.99

Release Date:  2/4/15

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The White Queen #1 (Mini-series) LAUNCH

This story takes place between the events of Wonderland: Age of Darkness and Wonderland #26.

From the amazing creative team from Grimm Fairy Tales vs Wonderland

The Age of Darkness has descended and the four mystical realms surrounding Earth have since merged.  Calie Liddle, Wonderland’s White Queen, becomes a pawn in the Dark Queen’s ultimate plan.  Though she opposes those plans, Calie must do the Dark Queen’s bidding….if she wants her daughter’s life spared.

Wonderland enters the Age of Darkness!!

Story by Joe Brusha, Ralph Tedesco, Troy Brownfield

Written by Troy Brownfield

Art by Luca Claretti

Colors by Leonardo Paciarotti

Letters by Charles Pritchett

Edited by Nicole Glade

Price: $3.99

Release Date:  2/4/15

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Grimm Fairy Tales #107 – LAUNCH POINT

Sela’s duties one again take her away from Arcane Acre when former HiboCorp agent, Jessica Ciampo, approaches her with a dangerous task.  Back at the school, a spirit appears to Ali with a message for Hailey.  A new evil rears its head at Arcane Acre and before sun falls, it will strike out against the students.

Written by Pat Shand
Art by Andrea Meloni
Colors by Erick Arciniega
Letters by Ghost Glyph Studios
Edited by Nicole Glade
Price: $3.99
Release Date: 2/4/15

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Hollywood Zombie Apocalypse #2 (of 2)

Hollywood and Zombies collide in this hilarious parody comic from Zenescope Entertainment!

After a zombie outbreak hits Hollywood, a group of star actors finds itself trapped in the Roosevelt Hotel.  With few options left, the A-List celebrities try to put their differences (and EGOS!) aside while chaos surrounds them. Can the eclectic group work together as a team or are they destined to fall victim to the zombie horde?


Written by Ralph Tedesco & Joe Brusha
Art by David Lorenzo Riveiro
Colors by Jorge Alberto Cortes
Letters by Jim Campbell
Edited by Nicole Glade
Price: $5.99
Release Date: 2/4/15

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Updated: February 2, 2015 — 12:10 pm

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