Dark Horse Takes Titles Digital!


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: MILWAUKIE, OR—Reaffirming its commitment to its fans and the storytelling vision of its creators, Dark Horse Comics is proud to announce the establishment of Dark Horse Digital Exclusives, which will include all-new, exclusive story content for The Ghost Fleet, Resurrectionists, andSundowners.

Additionally, Dark Horse will publish print graphic novel collections for The Ghost Fleet and Sundowners, collecting the DHDE original content for fans looking to complete their print collections. A full collection ofResurrectionists, featuring the final issues available as digital exclusives, will also be available, ahead of schedule.

“We are confident in the quality of these stories and want to ensure that readers have the opportunity to fully experience them,” said Dark Horse president and publisher Mike Richardson. “Dark Horse is throwing its support behind these creators and their innovative titles, and we are choosing to continue them in a series of original graphic novels. These stories deserve to be told, and to continue in a reader-friendly and accessible format. In the meantime, for those who would like to continue reading the series, we will also offer new issues of each title on our Dark Horse Digital platform.”

Creators of the Dark Horse Digital exclusive series also expressed their enthusiasm and excitement at the opportunity to conclude their stories on both the DHD platform and in collected graphic novels.

“Since my very first baby steps with the company, Dark Horse has been incredibly welcoming and supportive—they take wild chances on wild creators with bananas ideas (Go get The Paybacks in September!),” Ghost Fleet writer Donny Cates said. “The market can be a bear sometimes; we all know this. It’s no one’s fault. As a former retailer myself, I know how hard the decisions that go into taking on new books can be. But instead of cursing the darkness, we’re going to shine a light. And in the case of Ghost Fleet it’s going to be a shotgun-fireball ending you’ll see from f#%ing space. Thanks to the tireless creative efforts of Daniel Warren Johnson, Lauren Affe, Chris Crank, our editorial heavyweights, and Dark Horse’s seemingly never-ending commitment to making great comics, we will give the fans what they deserve: an awesome ending to an awesome comic.”

“I’m not sure why some books succeed while others don’t, especially when I know Dark Horse has been making some super-cool, all-new, creator-owned material that I was proud to be part of,” Tim Seeley, writer ofSundowners, said. “But I’m glad they’ve got the dedication and respect to ensure readers and creators get to bring their stories to a logical conclusion.”

“I am a huge fan of both Ghost Fleet and Sundowners and am thrilled Dark Horse is committed to continuing them in another format, along with the remainder of the Resurrectionists run,” Resurrectionists writer Fred Van Lente said. “They’re all great comics, and moving them to the digital space is a great opportunity to give them another chance to thrive.”

New issues of The Ghost Fleet, Resurrectionists, and Sundowners on Dark Horse Digital will debut the same date as their originally scheduled print counterparts. Release dates for the graphic novel collections can be found below.

The Ghost Fleet Volume 2: Hammer Down
Donny Cates (W), Daniel Warren Johnson (A)
$14.99, 978-1-61655-711-9
Available 10/7/2015

Resurrectionists: Near-Death Experienced
Fred Van Lente (W), Maurizio Rosenzweig (A)
$19.99, 978-1-61655-760-7
Available 8/19/2015

Sundowners Volume 2
Tim Seeley (W), Jim Terry (A)
$19.99, 978-1-61655-785-0
Available 8/26/2015

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