Upcoming Devil’s Due Projects!


Operation Nemesis

Operation Nemesis Based on a true story, Operation Nemesis (W: Josh Blaylock, A: Hoyt Silva) tells the story of Armenian Genocide survivor, Soghomon Tehlirian, and his run in with the genocide’s perpetrator, Talaat Pasha years later in Germany. Honoring the Armenian Genocide 100 year anniversary (April 22, 2015), DDE is proud to be publishing the story of Tehlirian as well as a part of history that has somewhat been left untold.

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7 Days of Death

7 Days of Death The newest title to join the DDE library is 7 Days of Death(W/A: Jordan Michael Johnson, C: Jasen Smith). Have you ever wondered when you die, will you know you’re dead? How do you know where you are? 7 Days of Death follows a man who finds himself in the snow globe setting that is Purgatory where he loses the love of his life and struggles to fight extreme walks of life to get out of this limbo. Look for it after the snow is melted away in May.

_Tales of Mr. Rhee: Karmageddon Volume 2_ Kickstarter Adds 13 More Commission Sketch Rewards  Within the first week, Dirk Manning’s TOMR: Karmageddon Vol. 2 Hardcover Kickstarter surpassed its funding goal and blew through its first 3 stretch goals as well as its first offering of Commission Sketch & Hardcover Combos. In response, Manning and Seth Damoose have decided to add 13 more Commission Sketch & Hardcover Combo rewards to the campaign! 2 of 13 sketches have already been revealed. Check them out below & better act fast: Who knows how fast these last 13 commissions will go!

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Updated: February 11, 2015 — 8:02 pm

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