Pullbox Reviews: Nightwasp #1 and #2- A Non-Stop Gigglefest

NWimage1Nightwasp #1 ( Thought Crime Comics – Crook / Shaw / Permana / Cakra / Jimerson / Amboro )

Nightwasp is a superhero satire centering on Nightwasp, his sidekick Ferret Lad, and their titanic struggles with super villains, jealous superheroes, greedy agents and rabid reporters!

Ward’s public persona is the perfect mix of philanthropist and playboy, but the show-jumping and show girls are a smokescreen to conceal one very super secret identity! While Nightwasp doesn’t have any actual super powers, thanks to the Woodcock fortune, he’s armed to the teeth with all the Nightwasp is a superhero satire centering on Nightwasp, his sidekick Ferret Lad, and their titanic struggles with super villains, jealous superheroes, greedy agents and rabid reporters! he needs to fight a holy war against the criminal filth that destroyed his family.”

When Nightwasp writer, Keith Cook, sent over the review request with the description of Nightwasp is a campy, ironic superhero satire. The main characters, Nightwasp and Ferret Lad are parodies of Batman and Robin, and the stories revolve around them and their battles with crazy super villains and petty squabbles with rival superheroes.” and “It’s very camp, like the Adam West Batman series, but spiced up with sex and swearing.“, I really didn’t know what to think.  An R-rated Adam West wasn’t something I could wrap my brain around. So I sat down with the first two issue and I couldn’t stop giggling through the entire read. Cook and company manage to put together a superhero satire that doesn’t pander to the reader, but keeps you laughing with every page turn. It never over uses profanity, but peppers it in at all the right moments. I was laughing enough that it made my wife asking what the heck I was reading.

Words are one thing, but what about the art? It’s Good! So often in independent and small press comics, creators have a hard time hitting the right combination of writing and art. Not the case here. The international art team really bring together a good looking book. There’s great use of color, light & dark, and it all comes together to make an eye catching comic that people will want to pick up.

Nightwasp is definitely not one for young readers, but if you like your comics with a bit of fun and a whole lotta F-Bombs, then check out Nightwasp.

Nightwasp is currently available on Comixology. You can also check out their Facebook Page here!



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