Pullbox Previews: Dynamite Entertainment 12/24

The Shadow One-Shot 2014: Agents of the Shadow.
Michael Moreci (w) 
Anthony Marques, Moritat, and Dev Madan (a) 
Robert Hack (c)
FC • 48 pages • $7.99 • Teen+ 
Faced with a world without The Shadow, his agents must step up and take down a crime syndicate that is crippling the city! From the mean streets to the mountains of China, the agents run a counter operation to break up this menace and uncover its mysterious leader. Margo, Jericho, Cliff, and more unite to stem the bitter fruit of crime!
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Avenger Special 2014: The Television Killers
Mark Rahner (w) 
Edu Menna (a) 
Robert Hack (c)
FC • 48 pages • $7.99 • Teen+ 
1939: Ordinary, law-abiding citizens are turning into shambling maniacs who attack and eat their victims. As The Avenger and his Justice Inc. crew investigate, a new client comes to the man with the dead face and icy eyes for help: a young singer named Billie Holiday, who’s received death threats before her appearance on a new invention called “television.” Pulp-era thrills and horror from writer Mark Rahner (The Twilight Zone, Army of Darkness/Reanimator).
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Doc Savage Special 2014: Woman of Bronze
David Walker (w) 
Kewber Baal (a) 
Robert Hack (c)
FC • 48 pages • $7.99 • Teen+ 
Known as the cousin of world famous adventurer Doc Savage, Pat Savage wants nothing more than to prove she has what is takes to be a hero. What starts out as a thankless job as a babysitter, soon turns into an epic life-and-death struggle that finds Pat squaring off against sinister forces. It’s a double-size tale of two-fisted action starring the first lady of pulp adventure, Pat Savage, Woman of Bronze.
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Bionic Woman Season Four #4
Brandon Jerwa (w) 
David T. Cabrera (a/c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99 • Teen+ 
David T. Cabrera B&W Art retailer incentive cover
It’s the final issue of Dynamite’s Bionic Woman revival! Jaime Sommers will do anything she can to escape North Eden…but not if it means leaving the town’s innocent citizens behind. There are surprises around every corner (and we mean that), with plenty of bionic action and intrigue along the way! Guest-starring The Six Million Dollar Man!
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Devilers #5
Joshua Hale Fialkov (w) 
Matt Triano (a) 
Jock (c)
FC • 32 pages • $2.99 • Teen+ 
As the team regroups, Chun-Bai suspects her team is not what it seems, and her suspicions might just get them killed. An unlikely force appears to save them, but will it damn them as well?
“Devilers has a way of grabbing you and keeping you reading until the final page… This isn’t just a book you’ll want to pick up, it’s one you’ll want on your pull list.” – Comic Vine
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Purgatori #4
Aaron Gillespie (w) 
Javier Garcia Miranda (a)
Nei Ruffino, Joyce Chin, Tonly Fleecs (c)
Fans & retailers, order the cover of your choice!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99 • Teen+ 
Nei Ruffino B&W Art retailer incentive cover
Joyce Chin B&W Art retailer incentive cover
With the chalice of regeneration in her hot red hands, Purgatori is one step closer to regaining her powers. But in order to get them back, she’s going to have to return to the fiery pits of hell…this time as a mere mortal. Don’t miss the Hell and Back story arc’s action-packed penultimate issue!
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Doctor Spektor: Master of the Occult Vol. 1
Mark Waid (w) 
Neil Edwards, Roberto Castro (a) 
Christian Ward (c)
FC • 136+ pages • $16.99 • Teen+ 
TV legend. Wall Street wolf. Internet mogul. Tabloid bad boy. Master metaphysicist. Spiritualist. Monster hunter. Doctor Adam Spektor is all of these things… and less. For fifteen years, Spektor has traveled the globe to smoke out and defeat werewolves, vampires, ghosts, and everything else that goes bump in the night… and yet, his success has brought him no peace. Some part of him is missing, something he needs but can’t name. But he’s about to find what’s missing in an unlikely place. A supernatural thriller that shatters all realities, courtesy of award-winning author Mark Waid (Kingdom Come, Daredevil, Indestructible Hulk)!
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Six Million Dollar Man: Season 6 TPB
James Kuhoric (w) 
Juan Antonio Ramirez, David T. Cabrera (a) 
Alex Ross (c)
FC • 144+ pages pages • $19.99 • Teen+ 
Better. Stronger. Faster. The original Six Million Dollar Man, Steve Austin, was a man barely alive until the OSI transformed him into the world’s first Bionic Man. Now, he and Oscar Goldman are the most effective team in National Security. But a rogue faction in the OSI is making a power play for that position with a new type of infiltration agent – one that is completely obedient and robotic. Fan-favorite classic action figure Maskatron joins the official Six Million Dollar Man original television continuity. Can a soulless machine that wears Steve Austin’s very face make the Six Million Dollar Man obsolete? And as Steve’s world is threatened from within, his very actions unknowingly release an alien menace upon an unsuspecting world. It’s a return to the original 1970s Six Million Dollar Man in all its groovy bionic glory – Da-Na-Na-Na-Na! This graphic novel collects the complete, six-issue series along with all of the covers by Alex Ross and Ken Haeser!
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Updated: December 18, 2014 — 8:28 pm

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