Pullbox Previews: Ivar, Timewalker #1

From the dawn of the dinosaurs…to the Battle of Trafalgar…to the year 4001…the team that brought you ARCHER & ARMSTRONG begins an all-new odyssey this January in IVAR, TIMEWALKER #1!

Valiant is proud to present an extended 8-page preview of IVAR, TIMEWALKER #1 – the FIRST ISSUE of the VALIANT NEXT ongoing series from New York Times best-selling creators Fred Van Lente and Clayton Henry! On January 21st, get ready for a clock-stopping adventure into the distant past and far future as the most unlikely Valiant hero of all leaps into the pages of an all-new monthly series!

At this very moment in Geneva, Switzerland, history is being made. A thousand meters underground inside the Large Hadron Collider, researcher Neela Sethi is about to discover time travel – and jeopardize her life in the process. But she doesn’t know that yet. Ten minutes from now, every deadbeat chrononaut, wannabe conqueror, and misguided protector of the timestream will be banging down her door. Good thing that the legendary Ivar, Timewalker, got there first…right? Now it’s down to history’s most jaded, most tempestuous time traveler to stop the worst of everything that is, was, and will be…before time runs out!

On January 21st, start reading here as the VALIANT NEXT initiative continues with a quantum leap forward in IVAR, TIMEWALKER #1 – featuring covers from red-hot artists Raul Allen (UNITY), Jorge Molina (X-Men), David Aja (Hawkeye), and Barry Kitson (Legion of Super-Heroes)!

And also arriving on January 21st from VALIANT NEXT – don’t miss THE VALIANT #2 (of 4) from superstar creators Jeff Lemire (Green Arrow), Matt Kindt (RAI), and Paolo Rivera (Daredevil)! The year’s most astonishing new adventure ratchets up the stakes right here as Bloodshot is drafted into the eons-old war against mankind’s oldest, darkest enemy, only in THE VALIANT #2 (of 4)!

Beginning with THE VALIANT #1 (of 4) on December 10th, don’t miss each exciting title fromVALIANT NEXT – a brand new wave of ongoing series and prestige format projects from some of the premier creative talents in comics today:

  • IVAR, TIMEWALKER #1 by Fred Van Lente and Clayton Henry in January
  • DIVINITY #1 (of 4) by Matt Kindt and Trevor Hairsine in February
  • IMPERIUM #1 by Joshua Dysart and Doug Braithwaite in February
  • NINJAK #1 by Matt Kindt and Clay Mann in March
  • BLOODSHOT REBORN #1 by Jeff Lemire and Mico Suayan in April
For more information, visit Valiant on Facebook, on Twitter, on Tumblr, and at ValiantUniverse.com.
For Valiant merchandise and more, visit ValiantStore.com.

Cover A by RAUL ALLEN (NOV141680)
Cover B by JORGE MOLINA (NOV141681)
Valiant Next Variant by CLAYTON HENRY & TOM MULLER
Character Design Variant by DAVID AJA (NOV141682)
Variant Cover by BARRY KITSON (NOV141683)
$3.99 | 32 pgs. | T+ | On sale JANUARY 21 (FOC – 12/29/14)
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