Pullbox Reviews: Veil #5 – Rucka is Bringing It!

23948Veil #5 (Dark Horse – Rucka / Fejzula) The mysterious young woman named Veil fights to escape the powerful men controlling her. There’s only one person she can trust, but he’s about to learn that love, whether it’s twisted or pure, always demands a sacrifice.

Life’s tough when you’re a succubus bound by an enchanted chain, forced to submit to the will of a lunatic.

This is where we find Veil, fresh after a killing spree ordered by her Master.  Treated like an attack dog, Veil struggles to maintain some level of independence even if it’s only in the fact that her mind is still her own.  She may have to follow orders- any order- but she makes it plain that it’s still just a matter of power.  Right now, that power is held by whoever holds the chain.

Veil’s only hope is her human friend, Dante.  He arrives just as things are about to get ugly, and gives Veil the chance she needs to free herself for good.  Dante’s moral dilemma is simple: does he really want Veil free to make her own choices?  After all, despite her beauty and everything he thinks he knows about her, she’s still a demon.

As a fan of Rucka’s writing, I can say that he’s bringing something unique to this series.  We have all of the elements needed to make a decent book, but through some skilled crafting, he’s taken what could just be decent and made it great.

Veil is a thing of beauty capable of horrendous violence.  What we’re left wondering is if the demon can be more than a killing machine once she’s given the power of free will.


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