
Spider-Gwen_cov_001Revealed at Marvel’s New York Comic Con “Spider-Man” Panel, Marvel Comics is excited to announce the latest addition to the Spider-Man mythos – Spider-Gwen! The new on-going series will focus on Gwen Stacy, who, in an alternate universe, was the one bitten by the radioactive spider giving her spider-powers!

After a sell-out introductory issue that’s part of the events of the current Spider-Man storyline, “Spider-Verse“, the new series, written by Jason Latour (Edge of Spider-Verse, Wolverine and the X-Men), artist Robbi Rodriguez (Edge of Spider-Verse, All-New X-Men), and colorist Rico Renzi spotlights Marvel’s latest cult-favorite hero as she introduces readers to a whole new world where she is the one true spider-hero!

Speaking with Marvel.com, Latour confesses that the drum-playing, rebellious Gwen Stacy, aka Spider-Gwen, has a long road ahead of her to prove she’s not the costumed menace the NYPD has painted her as– especially since her father is the NYPD Captain tasked with bringing her down. “[Spider-Gwen’s] journey is going to pull her father along into its wake. He knows her secret, and it’s a truth that threatens to make his world into a very dangerous lie.”

Latour also teased villains for Spider-Gwen and her father through the series, “We’ll absolutely see an ‘evil’ Matt Murdock (a.k.a. Daredevil), and the Kingpin. I’m a huge old school Daredevil fan, so I get this real sick thrill out of twisting him around and making him the villain. There’s also a new twist a character you’d immediately identify as a villain, who we’re re-casting as a more complex threat to Gwen and Captain Stacy—a character coming at her from within the system…”

“It’s a rare character that gets the public outcry that Spider-Gwen got,” says Senior Editor Nick Lowe. “From the sell-out of Gwen’s first appearance to the groundswell on Twitter we’re excited to bring more Spider-Gwen into the world with the creators who started it all!”

Marvel Comics’ Spider-Gwen swings into comic book retailers in February 2015.

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